Faculty of Sports UNS


The Faculty of Sports UNS is one of the leading faculties in the SOSHUM group at Sebelas Maret University. Currently, the Faculty of Sports consists of 2 Undergraduate Study Programs, 1 Master Study Program and 1 Doctoral Study Program. More than half of the existing study programs are accredited A from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BANPT. Currently, the Faculty of Sports UNS occupies a building located on the main campus of Manahan. With various facilities, facilities and infrastructure that support the teaching and learning process as well as research, including: comfortable classroom facilities and certified standard laboratories.

The faculty organization consists of elements from the leadership of the Dean and Deputy Dean; Faculty Senate; The Academic Implementing Element consists of the Study Program, Laboratory, and Lecturer Group as well as the administrative implementing element, namely the administrative section. The Dean leads the implementation of education, research, and community service, fosters educative staff, students, administrative and faculty staff, and is responsible to the Chancellor. In carrying out his duties, the Dean is assisted by three Vice Deans who are responsible to the Dean consisting of the Deputy Dean for Academics, Research and Student Affairs, the Deputy Dean for Human Resources, Finance and Logistics, and the Deputy Dean for Planning, Cooperation,
